1) Who are you?

I’m a Digital Education Advisor at University College London, currently working on pivoting online! And also, a PhD student at The Open University, researching policymaking for OE in higher education, and working with the excellent OE Policy Registry project in relation to that.

2) What is your vibe? Share it in a meme or quote…

Umm, I’m just really tired?

3) What gives you hope these days?

Talking to amazing and care-ful people like members of the OER20 and GO-GN communities.

4) Who are you learning from lately?

So many people who are taking the time to provide advice and ideas for the current crisis in which we find ourselves, and see #3.

5) In your opinion, what should we all be caring about? Why?

I think we all need to care about looking after ourselves and each other first and foremost. Wellbeing is a foundation on which we can manage other things.

6) What do you hope to take away from OER20?

Every OERconf I’ve attended has been a brilliant experience, so I think it will once again be illuminating, thought-provoking and life-affirming. I am a bit sad that this one will not involve as many beers though …or will it?

Shared by: @leohavemann

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