1) Who are you?

I’m an open, connected educator from Cairo. 

Associate Professor of Practice at the Center for Learning and Teaching, American University in Cairo, Co-director of Virtually Connecting, Co-facilitator of Equity Unbound.


2) What is your vibe? Share it in a meme or quote…

“We must do and think the impossible. If only the possible happened, nothing more would happen. If I only did what I can do, I wouldn’t do anything.” – Derrida

3) What gives you hope these days?

All the ways people show care. My child. The sky. Music. My students. That so many people seem amenable to prioritizing social justice in this context more than any other time.

4) Who are you learning from lately?

Every person I speak with.

5) In your opinion, what should we all be caring about? Why?

Each other, on what matters to each of us.

6) What do you hope to take away from OER20?

I’ve been running around nonstop for work for 4 weeks, no weekends. I need some self-care and this community is hopefully where I can find this break I need for a day or two

Shared by: Bali_maha

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