1) Who are you?
Hello, I’m Dana McFarland, Librarian & Coordinator, eResources & Scholarly Communication at Vancouver Island University (VIU) in British Columbia, Canada.
Engaging in and fostering Open Access, OER, and open education and scholarly practices is an important part of what I do.
2) What is your vibe? Share it in a meme or quote…
mission accomplished.
Also it looks like that queen I was wondering about is in there and has her laying pattern sorted out now. Which may suggest that I should worry less. pic.twitter.com/qiUu59HFXo
— Dana (@DanaMcFarland) March 29, 2020
3) What gives you hope these days?
I’m cheered by examples of people’s kind action, defiance and purposeful hopefulness in shared difficult times.
4) Who are you learning from lately?
More than ever I’m feeling the need to be connected to what’s going on locally. I’m listening keenly to those who have place-based knowledge that can help to develop meaningful local responses to global events and influences.
5) In your opinion, what should we all be caring about? Why?
There are many and varied pressures now to be reactive. In the midst of this I am trying to preserve capacity for reflection about the longer term implications of contingent actions.
How will present decisions shape our post-crisis futures?
How do we make sure that we bring forward into those futures the present learning that might come at great cost, so that ethics of care become foundations?
6) What do you hope to take away from OER20?
I am not sure how much of the two days I will manage to take in synchronously, with time zones and other time demands, but I’m looking forward to the conversations that I can be present for.
I’m already heartened by the welcoming message that came today. Thanks very much to the organizers for making this opportunity!
Shared by: @danamcfarland
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