1) Who are you?

I am Victoria Marín, a postdoctoral researcher in the area of Educational Technology at the University of Oldenburg, Germany. Born, raised and done my studies in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

2) What is your vibe? Share it in a meme or quote…

Open to new perspectives and sharing ideas 🙂

3) What gives you hope these days?

The good weather and positive news.

4) Who are you learning from lately?

Mostly from the Twitter users I follow and the connections between them and others.

5) In your opinion, what should we all be caring about? Why?

Our (and others’) mental health. In these times with higher levels of stress and restrictions, we need to find a healthy balance between personal and professional levels to go on and keep positive.

6) What do you hope to take away from OER20?

New ideas and connections, and learn more from OER.

Shared by: vmarinj

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