1) Who are you?

I am Virginia Rodés, Associate Professor, Coordinator of the Virtual Learning Environments Program of the and Co-Responsible of the Interdisciplinary Centre on Open and Accessible Educational Resources, Universidad de la República, Uruguay.
My research lines address the study of the adoption of educational technologies in Higher Education, with emphasis on Open Education.
I had led numerous national and international R&D projects, these resulted in the development and dissemination of educational technologies and open and accessible education initiatives in Uruguay and in Latin America.
I am member of the Open Education Advisory Board of the Open Education Working Group, Open Knowledge International, integrates the LATAM Regional Node of the Open Education Consortium, and part of the coordinating group of the Latin American Community of Learning Objects and Technologies (LACLO).
I am Doctor in Equity and Innovation in Education (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain), Master in University Education and Bachelor in Educational Communication (Universidad de la República).


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