1) Who are you?

A voice from the Global South, a mother; a passionate learner, dancer, cat lover, activist. A knowmad. Working now at the Open University of Catalonia (Research Professor in Educational Technology), part of the research group Edul@b.

2) What is your vibe? Share it in a meme or quote…

Lost in the garden of (digital) forking paths (paraphrasing Borges).

3) What gives you hope these days?

An alien invasion. Or a time machine?

Kidding: human imagination, which embeds resilience and ability to see the way to make real what is in the future.

4) Who are you learning from lately?

My wonderful colleagues, the global networks I’m engaged in, my family, all the people creatively resisting the COVID19 crisis.

5) In your opinion, what should we all be caring about? Why?

Avoid fear (you choose the ghost: pain, economic crisis, change, loosing face…)

It’s not a driving force. Courage and imagination are.

6) What do you hope to take away from OER20?

To see a lot of brave and imaginative people in action, to learn from them and embrace movements and practices of educational care beyond the self-serving discourses about how online learning during COVID19 will change the way we used to understand education.

Shared by: Julianar71

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