1) Who are you?

I’m Lynne Taylerson, Director of Worcestershire-based Independent Training Provider, Real Time Education Limited. I am a teacher educator, mentor and learning technologist and am just completing a PhD in Education following Sunderland University’s first enforced Skype viva on 20/03/20! My research interest is FE teachers’ use of informal learning using social media platforms.

2) What is your vibe?

Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts!

3) What gives you hope these days?

The amazing way in which the FE community is coming together to support each other to experiment with new digital pedagogies and tools at such a challenging time.

4) Who are you learning from lately?


5) In your opinion, what should we all be caring about? Why?

As teachers, about each other and our learners more, and about meaningless data and imposed ways of working less.

6) What do you hope to take away from OER20?

Inspiration and new friends.

Shared by: @realtimeedu

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